The Gopher Knights Save The Day!

If you are looking for a children's book that follows biblical storylines in a fun and spirited way, look no further!

Family Friendly Adventure Story

Who are the Gopher Knights? What is the Story About?

Gopherland is a place where creatures live in peace and happiness. Follow Sir Wynn, and the other Gopher Knights on their journey to defend Gopherland from The Evil Mink King. The Mink King attacks Gopherland to try to steal our characters’ happiness for himself. Wynn and his team face the Mink King’s army with weapons of kindness and love, which turns the Mink Knights into their friends. However, will they be able to succeed when the Mink King refuses to learn the lesson and unleashes his full army upon Gopherland?

Cute Characters

The Gopher Knights are the good guys!

Sir Wynn

Leader of the Gopher Knights. Sir Wynn is the bravest of the bunch! Always willing to lead, make tough decisions, and keep Gopherland safe! He relies on his friends within the Gopher Knights for support.

Maeve the Mouse

Smallest of the Gopher Knights, Maeve the Mouse is the most clever. Using her mind, she often comes up with plans and options for Wynn to decide from. She also is very sneaky and can often know when danger is coming to Gopherland before anyone else!

Bridges the Builder

Bridges is the leader of all of the Beavers. A Gopher Knight despite being a beaver, makes sure that all the buildings in Gopherland are built well, and that any new homes for creatures are first on the list!

Harvey the Helper

Harvey is a squire for the Gopher Knights. While he isn’t a warrior, he’s always willing to lend a hand. Carrying food, and supplying the builders and warriors, he never complains! The nicest gopher in the land, but can be shy at times!

The Evil Mink Army

Evil Mink King

Leader of the Gopher Knights. Sir Wynn is the bravest of the bunch! Always willing to lead, make tough decisions, and keep Gopherland safe! He relies on his friends within the Gopher Knights for support.

Smallest Mink Knights

The smallest but most clever of the Mink Knights. Usually the first that the Mink King sends to get what he wants. They love to play games when they are not on missions for the King.

Medium Sized Mink Knights

The medium-sized knights, often the next to be sent if the smallest are unable to get what the Mink King wants! While they are loyal to their king, they are tired of missions and would love to settle down homes of their own.

Largest Mink Knights

These brave Mink knights are the largest knights he has to send. Their size is only matched by their appetite for food!

Will Our Heroes Defeat the Army Set Against Them?

The Mink King has a mighty army ready to invade any land that he wishes to rule.

The Gopher Knights will need to have a plan to overcome!

Cute Characters

Adventure / Action

Biblically Based

Fun Ending

Gopherland is a place where creatures live in peace and happiness. Follow Sir Wynn, and the other Gopher Knights on their journey to defend Gopherland from The Evil Mink King. The Mink King attacks Gopherland to try to steal our characters’ happiness for himself. Wynn and his team face the Mink King’s army with weapons of kindness and love, which turns the Mink Knights into their friends. However, will they be able to succeed when the Mink King refuses to learn the lesson and unleashes his full army upon Gopherland?

As all the best stories do, this one started with a four-year-old’s imagination. As my son and I worked out the structure of the story through several verbal retellings, it became a series of stories that we wanted to write down and share with others. Working in biblical themes/stories came naturally as we worked on this as a father and son.

If you appreciate stories with adventure and where friendship and love win out the day, this is the book for you!

From our family to yours, Thank you for considering this book!